Aspen Thrift Shop

Grant Guidelines

PLEASE NOTE: The Aspen Thrift Shop offers one grant cycle per calendar year. Grant applications must be received by the September 30th deadline in order to be considered for  funding. 

  • Grant recipients should be locally based organizations (primarily Aspen to Carbondale) that provide benefit to the community, without the promotion of any particular political or religious ideology.
  • Our Grants start at $500 and rarely exceed $5,000.
  • Funds may be requested for new projects/programs, existing programs, and for general operating support. Organizations with annual operating budgets larger than $3 million are encouraged to request funding for a specific program rather than general operating support.
  • Grants shall be awarded only to organizations that are currently tax-exempt under IRS Section 501(c)(3).
  • Grant recipient organizations must have been in existence for at least one year.
  • Individual entities within a 501(c)(3) organization such as sports teams within schools, or affiliate subsidiaries or programs of a 501(c)(3) organization may make a grant request once a year.
  • Grants shall not be awarded no pass-through organizations.
  • Grants shall not be awarded to individuals.
  • Private educational facilities may be awarded grants to support their programs when the specific program benefits the community at large.
  • Grants are disbursed throughout the year.

It helps YOU.  Organizations that receive visible support from their local community have increased credibility with donors and other funding organizations.

It helps US.  Publicity and recognition helps the community understand what the Aspen Thrift Shop does and how we operate – all volunteer and entirely nonprofit.  This makes the community all the more supportive of us, bringing us more donations and more shoppers.  In turn, our income increases which means more funding becomes available for grants for our community.  We are proud to note that we give away over 80% of our income annually!

  • Use our logo in your materials, both printed and online.
  • Mention us on social media.
  • Write a Letter to the Editor and send to our local papers thanking the us for our support. This not only recognizes our work, it also recognizes you as the recipient of the funding.
  • Mention the support of the Aspen Thrift Shop, where appropriate, at your events, in radio commercials, media interviews, etc.
  • Encourage your employees, family, and friends to donate to and shop at the Aspen Thrift Shop.

Click here to find our logos.